Reading Glasses

Reading glasses for men and women.

Reading glasses are needed by men and women who suffer from long-sightedness.

The strength that a person needs can be found out by an eye test at your opticians.

I would recommend that should be your first port of call.

Once you have your strength confirmed you can start to decide on the shape and colour of your glasses.

Strengths tend to be from 0.5 to +3.5 going up in 0.5 dioptres.

I recommend that you should try to buy a product with aspheric lens.

They are curved and provide a better vision than none aspheric lens.

What Reading glasses should you buy.

Reading eyewear for men should be something that you actually like wearing that suit the shape of the face and look attractive when worn.

There are many shapes to choose from.

If you are a bit conservative in your choice then a rectangular shape might be appropriate for you.

Take a look at izipizi #B a classic frame.

Women should consider buying something that reflect the image, the look, the fashion and the personality of the wearer.

I would suggest izipizi again.

Their #D style is iconic in its shape and suits women particularly albeit that men also wear them.

Reading glasses are described in a number of ways, funky readers funky reading glasses ready readers designer and fashion reading glasses.

Wikipedia description

“Ready-made single-vision glasses go by many names. Over-the-counter glasses.

Ready readers.

Cheaters, magnifiers, non-prescription readers, or generic readers.

Designed to lessen the focusing burden of near work, such as reading.

Typically sold in retail locations such as pharmacies and grocery stores but are also available in book stores and clothing retailers and on line.

They are available in common reading prescriptions with strengths ranging from +0.75 to +3.50 dioptres.

While these “magnifiers” do indeed make the image of the viewed object bigger, their main advantage comes from focusing the image, not magnification.”